Saturday, June 19, 2021

8 years later...

 Wow, guys.

Somehow, 8 years have gone by since my last post. That just...that sounds crazy. 8 years. I feel old now. I wanted to let you all know, whoever the heck is still out there, whoever finds this and wonders, 'hey, what ever happened to that crazy chick?' that I recently started blogging again.

 Something to fight for: Life goes on

Guys, seriously, my story has taken some wild, truly, absolutely wild, turns. I'm a week in, and still sharing my backstory. It feels good to write again, to connect.

This blog, this community, it provided so much for me and I time when I had no support, no hope, anything. I'm hoping to find that again. 

My story is far from over. It's filled with pain, irony, and frankly,  a lot of fucked up stuff. 

But I'm still here. I'm still fighting. I hope you all are too. Life really is crazy. I never, EVER, thought life would take me to where I am now. 

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you all for going on that journey with me for all of these years. Everyone who commented, supported me, just feeling every so slightly less alone in this world made a big difference.

If you're interested, you can find me at

It really is a wild journey.