Saturday, January 7, 2012


Please tell me. How do I stop hurting this bad. I almost killed myself last night. Let me just tell you how INSANE yesterday was. 

Me and my parents got into a hugeeeee fight. My mom grabbed me and threw me across the room and my dad had to catch me. Then she kicked me out, so I left and started walking. Then they got in the car and made me get in because I was supposed to go to therapy. The reason for the fight in the first place was because I found out both my parents were going into therapy with me...which was completelyy not okay. Every time my parents come with me, I always end up getting in trouble. I refused to go in with them. Then I refused to talk to my therapist once my parents left because I was so mad.

So I went to bed when I got home. That wasn't even the crazy part. I went to bed at around 8. I woke up numerous times throughout the night, to what I thought was my sister walking around and being dumb. I dismissed it, and fell back asleep. Then at around 1am, the doorbell rang. At that point, I was officially confused. My first thought is that it had to be the cops. I mean...who else would it be at 1 in the morning? 

So I looked out my window...and yes, it was a cop car. Fully awake at this point. I was freaking out. I thought they were there for me! I was so scared. Then I was listening, and I learned it was because of my sister. Apparently she didn't come home and spent like 500 dollars with my moms credit card at Walmart. 

Eventually the cops found her in some parking lot. At 3am. How ridiculous is that? As if we weren't poor enough, she has to go and steal a credit card like that and buy that much stuff? It's insane. I'm telling life isn't normal. 

If the cops weren't already there last night...who knows what the hell wouldve happened. 

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