Wednesday, December 7, 2011

And the craziness continues!

Sooo on Monday I did go to my guidance counselor. I told her I was suicidal and I wanted to kill myself over the weekend and that I wanted help. They knew my parents wouldn't do shit to help me. They called 911 to take me to the hospital. I was so terrified. 

I refused to talk to or even see my parents. Once I got to the hospital, I told them what happened and they saw the cuts all over my ribs. I begged them to put me inpatient. I told them I was going to kill myself if left by myself. 

The lady at the hospital sent me home. She said I didn't need it. She told me I needed to get out of my house, but that's it. Didn't offer me any other solutions. My parents were so pissed at me. My mom wasn't even at the fucking hospital with me. She refused to go. My dad yelled at me the entire way home and then they both did the next morning. I haven't slept at home since it happened. 

They took my phone away and took  my texting away. I guess they do just want me to isolate myself. I'm afraid of myself. I haven't been left alone since this whole thing happened. I don't blame everyone around me for not trusting me. 

It just sucks. I FINALLY reach out for help and it just completely backfired. Obviously I'm fine. Obviously I don't need help. 


  1. I want to chew that lady at the hospital a new one! Don't give up trying, don't give up reaching out for help.

  2. Hi, Just wanted to let you know that I put a link to your blog on my blog

