Thursday, April 21, 2011

The same, yet different

It's funny how people can be so similar, yet so different at the same time. Take depression for example. Lots of people have it, but the reasons behind it are different. We feel the same, but so different from others at the same time. 

This is what frustrates me. When people say "I'm just like everyone else". Well, no, I'm not like anyone else actually. What makes me the same as everyone else? 

I am different. And me being in a different situation is what makes me believe that it's so hard for others to understand anything about me, which I guess is why I don't really talk to anything about anything important. 
I get it. I'm not special, and I'm not trying to make it sound like I am. But I am different. 

I know everyone has family problems, but not everyone has a severely mentally ill person living there causing it to be an abusive environment. 
And I know everyone deals with physical pain to some extent, but not everyone has 4 major surgeries within two years and is not able to walk or do anything fun. 
And I know everyone has bad days and feels like crap sometimes, but not everyone struggles with depression this bad. 

Trust me I'm not trying to say I'm anything special because I know I'm not. 

My point here is that were all different and we shouldn't just be categorized as the same. Every single one of our situations is different and that's how we should be treated. 

The same goes for all situations, not just mine. I don't know, it just bothers me when I'm told I'm the same as everyone else, because I'm not, and neither are you. No matter what your specific situation is, it's different than anyone else and you are special, despite what anyone else in the world says.  

Maybe I'm just rambling about nothing though. Does anyone else have an opinion of this?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you are different. I read all your post and from what I know I thought you might be an empath. Social anxiety has been linked to empath, study shows. You say you didn't talk your problems to other people because you didn't want to burden them, that's the characteristic of an empath, me too, I'm an empath also and an Indigo. Empath always wanted to have a soul-to-soul connections with others, but when they don't have friends like that they'll sometimes cut-off relationship and looking for another. This is called Avoidant Personality Disorder and I have it too, I didn't say that you had this though,,

    sorry if theres grammatical error, english is not my first language
