Friday, April 1, 2011

Wana know a secret?

I'm fucked up. In more ways than one. I've made bad decision after bad decision..and I'm still on that road. But guess what. I can honestly say I've never done a drug in my life. Well, nothing illegal that I didn't actually need. I don't think pain medicine after surgery really counts. And I can say that that's honestly one of the very few things I'm proud of myself for. I go to a school where I'd say the ration of kids who do drugs vs those who don't is 80:20
That's not to say I've never been tempted. I have. Everyone has at some point. But I know what they do to you and I already have enough on my plate.

As I said before, I've made bad decisions. I've let my grades fall exponentially, I've pushed away almost all of my friends at some point, I've done things that are very out of character for me. And I've tried to hurt myself. Not even that long ago. Maybe a few weeks. But why am I admitting this now? I don't know. No one really knows that. I think people know I've thought about it, but not that I actually tried. But why did I try? I'll get to that.

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