Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bad day

Today was a horrible day. It's days just like this that is the reason I have zero trust in people. 

It's this simple. Ready?

If you say you're going to do something, then do it!!
If you don't actually plan on doing something, don't say you will!

Do you see how that concept works? It's really quite simple. See, I understand that, which is why I don't screw people over. I only say stuff if I actually plan on doing it. 

Sorry for has just been a horrible day  with people screwing me over left and right. 


  1. Hey
    I just found your blog and it is just like reading my own journal. Not exactly but we is seems like from what I read we are going through some of the same things. I am really glad I found this, I really feel like I am not the only one going through this now. Thanks, Ill be reading.
    Hope things get better soon!

  2. I so glad you like it and can relate! That's part of the point of the whole thing, so that both myself and others can feel like their not alone in what their going through. Help get it out there so other people can read it too!
    And yeah, Im sure things will get better soon.

  3. I'm sorry that people are being unpleasant to you. But, what hurts us makes us stronger and you should be proud that you aren't a person like that, and would never act like they do. You're in my prayers!
